According to Onchain Lens, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin minted 315,382 DAI stablecoins. At the same time, he also sold various Meme tokens for a total of 71.69 ETH (about $136,684), including: 14.618 billion FML for 2.51 ETH; 18.088 billion SHIB for 0.987 ETH; 717 million VB for 1.57 ETH; 366.47 million AWESOME for 1.44 ETH. Vitalik previously sold 5,000 DHN for 65.19 ETH.
据Onchain Lens监测,以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 铸造了 315,382 枚 DAI 稳定币。 同时,他还出售了多种Meme代币,共获得 71.69 枚 ETH(约 136,684 美元),具体包括:将 146.18 亿枚 FML 兑换为 2.51 枚 ETH;180.88 亿枚 SHIB 兑换为 0.987 枚 ETH;7.17 亿枚 VB 兑换为 1.57 枚 ETH;3.6647 亿枚 AWESOME 兑换为 1.44 枚 ETH。此前,Vitalik 还曾出售 5,000 枚 DHN,获得 65.19 枚 ETH。
据链上分析师 Onchain Lens监测,以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin已出售 5,000 枚 DHN 代币,交易价值约为 65.19 ETH(折合 124,672 美元)。 据监测,Vitalik 目前仍持有 5,000 枚 DHN 代币,目前价值约 113,000 美元。
The crypto documentary "Vitalik: The Ethereum Story" will be officially released on Apple TV and Prime Video on April 15. The documentary tells the story of the challenges and explorations Vitalik Buterin and the Ethereum community have experienced in promoting the development of the open Internet.
加密纪录片《Vitalik:以太坊的故事》将于4月15日在Apple TV和Prime Video正式上映。该纪录片讲述了Vitalik Buterin及以太坊社区在推动开放互联网发展过程中所经历的挑战与探索。
"Without Vitalik's contributions, smart contracts, ERC20, NFTs, SBTs, L2, etc., cryptocurrencies would not be what they are today," Mr. Zhao replied to the view that "Vitalik and Zhao Changpeng are two important people." I am just a commoner who is still learning about blockchain. "
赵长鹏针对“Vitalik 和赵长鹏是两个重要人物”的看法回复称,“如果没有 Vitalik 的贡献、智能合约、ERC20、NFT、SBT、L2 等等,加密货币就不会有今天的规模。我只是一个仍在学习区块链的平民。”
据 Arkham 监测,Vitalik Buterin 向 0x0BE72 开头地址转入 90 枚 ETH,约合 20 万美元。Vitalik Buterin 还于 3 月 1 日向 0x002Dc 开头地址转入 178.5 ETH(约合 40 万美元)。
以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 于今日 00:21:33 更换其 X 账号头像、个人简介及背景照片。新头像为《魔兽世界》中的一个生物形象,而原头像为 Milady 系列 NFT。
据以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 在 X 平台表示,2025 年,我们需要 Fusaka 在 L1 上使用 PeerDAS,理想情况下 blob 目标 / 限制为 48/72。我们的目标是在 Pectra 上线后的第二天运行具有这些 blob 参数的 Fusaka 测试网。
Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin posted that by 2025, we need the Fusaka upgrade plan to use PeerDAS on L1, ideally with a blob target/limit of 48/72. Our goal is to run a Fusaka testnet with these blob parameters the day after Pectra goes live.
以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin发文表示,到2025年,我们需要Fusaka升级计划在L1上使用PeerDAS,理想情况下blob目标/限制为48/72。我们的目标是在Pectra上线后的第二天运行具有这些blob参数的Fusaka测试网。
Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, wrote: "What Ethereum needs is a lot of young people with a cypherpunk vision. All OGs are exhausted and now it's time for the next generation."
以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin发文表示,“以太坊需要的是大量拥有密码朋克愿景的年轻人。所有OG都已经疲惫不堪,现在就看下一代了。”
Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, wrote: "Life in prison for non-violent tax crimes is ridiculous. The case against Roger Ver, the Bitcoin Jesus, appears to be highly politically motivated; like Ross Ulbricht, founder of Darknet Silk Road, many people and companies have been charged with more serious crimes and faced much lighter sentences than Roger faced. If the IRS did threaten Roger's lawyer for confidentiality...